Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Swimming Good Exercise for Baby Boomers

Active Adult Living Retirement Communities

There are an increasing number of people that are starting to want to improve there health and baby boomers are no exception. Swimming appears to be one of the most popular forms of exercise among the baby boomers. Swimming provides a full body workout without the danger of overdoing it because it is one of the least stressful forms of exercise that you can do.

Most people do not realize all of the benefits that can be obtained from swimming. Swimming and water exercise is the second best form of exercise that has the lowest rate for injuries. Walking is still the leader in that aspect for low injury rates. There is a great deal of doctors that will recommend that you do water exercises so that you can strengthen your muscles without harming your recovery. Swimming is great physical therapy for people of all ages no matter what their current physical condition is.

Baby boomers like swimming as it allows them to utilize almost all of their major muscle groups at the same time, so that they can get a complete total body workout with minimal strain. The water works as a great form of resistance so that you can use it as strength training and even for aerobic exercises. The baby boomers like water fitness as it can work well for people of all fitness levels. It can help people strengthen their muscles and build up their endurance as well as making them much more flexible.

Many people are not aware that swimming actually provides almost all of the same effects as running does. The difference between running and swimming is that you are not putting a strain on your connective tissues as you do when you are running or doing weight training. Many baby boomers find that swimming allows them to easily maintain the fitness lever or to improve on it as well. You can also do exercise in water more often then you could if you were doing them out of water because the amount of injuries is so low. When you are in water, your body weight is reduced my nearly 90% your movements are 12 times greater then just doing them in the air, therefore you can do much more while in the water.

You will want to look into swimming for your recreational activities if you are from the baby boomer era and want to maintain an active adult lifestyle. Not only will swimming help to fill your need for exercise but it is safe as well. This low impact form of exercise can help to increase the amount of range of motion that you have as well. You will want to talk to your doctor to make sure that you are doing the right thing as with any new exercise program that you begin. To ensure you are not over doing it your doctor will be able to suggest some water exercises to suit your actual fitness level.

Swimming as exercise for baby boomers is a popular pastime as more and more baby boomers near and enter the retirement phase of their lives.

If you are looking for retirement communities that cater to active adult lifestyles, visit

Article provided by Juliette Crane of Women's Health.

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