If 40 is the new 30, and 50 is the new 40, and 60 is the new 50, that leaves even more opportunity for baby boomers to live their fit, active best!
After all, the baby-booming 42- to 60-age group is accustomed to leading active adult lifestyles, and they’re not going to let 10 years here or there stand in the way.
Unfortunately, the increases in activity and exercise are being accompanied by increases in injuries. Not good, and for the most part, avoidable.
It’s a fact that as we age, our reaction time increases, our joints become less lubricated, and our muscles and tendons become less elastic. But, baby boomers can reduce their risk of injury associated with such factors, by ...
Taking Care To Warm-up & Stretch
Cardio and resistance workouts should always begin with a 10 to 15 minute warm-up. You can warm-up with various activities — marching, walking, jogging, swimming — the key is to simply move at a low-level of intensity and with smaller range of motion movement. Once you feel your body temperature rising and your muscles becoming warmer, it’s safe to begin stretching. Perform static, non-bouncy stretches, for all your major muscles and you’ll have better prepare your body for whatever cardio or resistance training activity you choose.
Exercising Regularly, Moderately & Consistently
Weekend warrior exercising or on-again-off-again exercising can be really hard on the body. The greatest benefits come from consistent exercise. You will build your endurance and lessen your risk of injury by exercising regularly, at moderate levels of intensity that are mindful of the fact that
Using The Right Equipment
Whether you’re walking, jogging, or riding a bike, make sure your shoes and equipment are those best suited for your activity and body type. Proactively selecting the best and safest equipment can save you the pain and aggravation of a sidelining injury.
Cross-training/ Balanced Approach To Exercise
Try a balanced variety of workouts. Cardio, resistance, and stretching routines each serve a unique purpose. You will achieve the greatest degree of balanced fitness when you get a bit of all three.
As a rule, stretching should be part of every workout. Cardio activities — 30 minutes, three to five days a week — and resistance training to hit all major muscles groups twice a week on non-consecutive days.
Start With A Visit To Your Doctor
Discuss your fitness plans and get a good once over from your physician before beginning your exercise program. Try to find a doctor who actually exercises and who — from experience — can guide and motivate you toward your desire to live a healthy, active adult lifestyle.
Post contributed by Eugenie Jones, M.B.A., ACE. Eugenia is a workplace performance and lifestyle training expert and can be contacted at eugeniek@comcast.net.